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The Comeback

Rob Murray

Rich Calderon rallies from a 1-6 start to make the playoffs – Week Fourteen, 2003

Great things were expected from Rich Calderon in his expansion season of 2003. He had been waiting patiently for over a year for a spot to open up in Robioland. Who knew he would suck so bad out of the gate? He would end up winning only one time in his first seven games. However, sometimes you have to look inside the numbers. Despite his lone win, Rich was scoring (somewhat). He had failed to break 1,000 only once, but his opponents had scored over 1,500 four times. Luckily, he was only two games out of the 8th seed. In week eight, Rich suddenly turned things around, producing back-to-back weekly high scores. He would end up winning four of his next five. However in week thirteen, Rich lost to Jeff/Colby and it looked like his rally would come up short.

Heading into the week fourteen(the final week), Rich not only needed a win, but he needed TONS of help to get in. First and foremost, he needed (6-7) Bob Castrone to lose to Robio. Then Rich needed (5-8) Eric to win. If those two things happen, Rich would be tied with 6-8 Bob and Eric. However, since he was 0-2 head-to-head against them, he also needed (5-8) Jeff/Colby to upset Rich Burrier. By Jeff winning, the 8th seed would then come down to total points, because Jeff/Colby had beaten Eric, who had beaten Bob, while Rich split his two games against Jeff/Colby. If Bob lost and Jeff won, but Eric lost, Rich would be out. Got it? Good.

Stunningly, Rich beat Masterson, Bob lost to Robio, Eric upset Griff and Jeff/Colby upset Burrier. Calderon needed all that to happen and it ALL DID! The 8th and final seed came down to total points, which Calderon won easily by 2,500+ points over Bob. Once in the playoffs, the comeback did not end, Seeded 8th, Rich faced off with #1 seed Robio. Prior to 2003, 8th seeds were 0-4 in the playoffs. However, heading into the weekend, I knew it was going to be a battle. Although I was the highest scoring team, Rich wasn’t a lucky #8, he was the third highest scoring team in the league and I actually predicted him to win.

In the end, not even I could stop the juggernaut that was Calderon. He stunned the Robio 1,953-1,535. My total was the most points scored by a losing playoff team. For Rich, the amazing comeback ended ironically against another Rich (Is that really irony?). Burrier took down Calderon for the second time that season, 1,141-1,054. To this day though, Rich is the only person to rally from 1-6 and make the playoffs.

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